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TECNA Report: Tech Workforce Trends

The Technology Councils of North America (TECNA) released a report titled, “Tech Workforce Trends: The Migration of Tech Jobs Since The Pandemic,” showcasing the migration of tech workers throughout the United States.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the dynamic of where tech workers live and work has changed from an office setting to remote work in other areas. Many have suspected tech workers have migrated to other areas while working for employers in other areas of the country and many speculated about where these workers have gone, but to date, there hasn’t been significant data on this. Accordingly, TECNA commissioned a study to find this data on the tech workforce in North America.

This is especially important to TECNA, as our mission is to serve as the collective voice of the regional technology trade associations we represent in an effort to help grow the North American technology economy.

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2022 US Workforce Study: Migration of Tech Workers and Jobs since the Pandemic
2023 Canadian Workforce Study: Migration of Tech Workers and Jobs since the Pandemic